
uma bela voz para uma canção de luta e afrontamento

where have all the flowers gone
words and music by Pete Seeger

Where have all the flowers gone?/Long time passing/Where have all the flowers gone?Long time ago/Where have all the flowers gone?/Girls have picked them every one/When will they ever learn?/When will they ever learn?//Where have all the young girls gone?/Long time passing/Where have all the young girls gone?/Long time ago/Where have all the young girls gone?/Taken husbands every one/When will they ever learn?/When will they ever learn?//Where have all the young men gone?/Long time passing/Where have all the young men gone?/Long time ago/Where have all the young men gone?/Gone for soldiers every one/When will they ever learn?/When will they ever learn?//Where have all the soldiers gone?/Long time passing/Where have all the soldiers gone?/Long time ago/Where have all the soldiers gone?/Gone to graveyards every one/When will they ever learn?/hen will they ever learn?//Where have all the graveyards gone?/Long time passing/Where have all the graveyards gone?/Long time ago/Where have all the graveyards gone?/Covered with flowers every one/When will we ever learn?/When will we ever learn?//

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